Dating with God in Mind
How do you know if God wants you to date, someone? Christians who are unsure of how to find another person who shares their beliefs and is a good match for them will often question whether or not God wants them to date and how to find the right person to spend time with. Maintaining a healthy relationship is key for any Christian who is looking for someone to date.
Dating and The Bible
The concept of dating another person unheard of in biblical times, but it’s important for Christians to remember that God wants us to continue in our walk with Him and that a chosen partner can help with this.
Anyone looking to take a relationship beyond friendship needs to take into consideration what the Bible does say about interactions with other people, as well as how to make sure that everything they do is glorifying God, not working against Him. The Bible is filled with verses that praise a healthy marriage that keeps God at the center, and dating is key to finding the right person to marry.
Some Christians believe that dating is the right choice for others but not necessarily for themselves, which is something that needs to be addressed. Knowing how you feel about whether or not you should date will help you become much happier with your decision to actively look for a partner.
Should I Date?
Choosing to whether to date is to distinguish between desires of being with a person for a short period of time and the desire to form a lasting commitment with another person. Understanding the difference between physical desires and the desire to connect with another person on multiple levels and start a life together is important.
God wants people to join together, as mentioned in Genesis 2:18. His followers simply need to make sure that they are ready to date and are looking for the right partner.
The Right Connection
If you are looking for a short emotional and physical connection with another person, then that is a very clear sign that you may not be ready to date. Wanting to connect with a person on a physical level is not what God wants for His followers. While He did make human bodies to enjoy pleasure and the connection that comes from being with another person, that is not the main goal of being in a relationship.
God wants his followers to connect with each other on a much deeper level and get more out of their lives together than simply physical satisfaction. It’s important for anyone who is interested in dating another person to consider his or her motives and what he or she wants to get out of the relationship before starting one.
If, however, you feel like you would like to get married one day and even start a family, then that is a much more mature reason to want to date. It’s a good idea to consider if you are in an emotional place where dating with the goal of a long-term relationship is the right choice for you. Anyone who is free of addiction, sin or other emotional baggage that may hold them back will have God’s blessing in pursuing a relationship with someone.
Consider The Timing
One of the most important things to consider when deciding whether or not you should date is the timing. If you are too overwhelmed with work and other obligations, then you may feel like you are too busy to date. While it can be tempting to try to find a partner during this time, it’s best to wait until you have more time to give to yourself and your future partner.
Unite for God
Once you are able to devote more of your time and energy to things outside of work, then it is a good time to consider dating. You will want to make sure to look for someone who is also a Christian and who believes in God so that you will have a strong basis for your relationship.
The Bible, even though it never mentions dating specifically, is very clear about the types of relationships that God wants His followers to have. God wants all of His followers to find a suitable helper and leave their parents to unite with their spouse.
Before Dating
Because everyone wants to be as successful as possible when dating, many Christians wonder if there is anything that they should do to change or better themselves before going on a date with another person. This is especially true after a failed relationship where people may be wondering what they need to change or do differently to experience success in the future.
Rejoice in Love
The Bible calls Christians to act with love. This means that they need to rejoice in the truth, believe in others, and love each other earnestly. Christians who are worried about changing themselves or bettering themselves to have more success when dating need to bear 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in mind;
‘Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.’
Understanding what the Bible says about love and how people should act towards each other is what every Christian needs to remember when they are looking to date. This Bible verse is important to keep in mind, as it will help Christians focus on who they are and will help them find the right person that God has set aside for them.
Choosing the Right Date
There are a lot of people in the world that you could date, but that doesn’t mean that they are all the right fit for a Christian. Christians must not only prepare themselves to be a healthy partner in a relationship but also work hard to find the right person to date.
Love and Respect Someone
People are called to be humble and gentle and to bear with each other in love. God calls His followers to strive to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit and to live together in peace. This does not mean that couples won’t ever fight or argue, but it does mean that they will be respectful of each other and will support and love each other even in difficult times, as written in Ephesians 5:33;
‘Nevertheless each of you must also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see that she respects her husband.’
Choosing the right partner means looking for someone who believes in working hard for a relationship, is respectful, and is willing to be patient during difficult times. When Christians take time to find the right person to be in a relationship with, then they will feel God’s blessings and be much more secure in their dating.
In 2 Corinthians 6:14 God calls his followers to choose a partner that they will be evenly yoked with. The best way to do this is to pray when looking to date and to keep God at the center of the relationship.
Take your Concerns to God
One of the most important parts of dating for Christians is to be willing to bring concerns over the relationship and the person that they chose to God. This is a great way to ensure that the love that they feel is real and not based on physical attraction, love of power, or addiction.
God encourages people to include him in all parts of their lives, and that includes romantic relationships, as well. While some may feel strange bringing the relationship and any related concerns to God, this is the best way to ensure that there are no major problems that are going to develop.
Draw Closer to God
A relationship with another person can actually be a way to draw closer to God, as praying, reading the Bible, and trying to discern His will can have a huge impact on a person’s entire life. Knowing that God wants people to be happy and is there to listen and offer support during hard times can be very helpful for someone who is looking to date but is worried about making the wrong choice.
Date for Happiness
In summary, it is time for Christians to remove some of the pressure that they feel when dating. For a long time, dating has been something scary, but when God is invited into the relationship, then it doesn’t have to be. Knowing that God supports healthy Christian relationships and is supposed to be a part of any healthy friendship or relationship is important.
This gives people who are looking for love the support that they need to reach out for a connection with another person while still maintaining their close relationship with God. He wants His followers to be happy, and He made people to be joined together in marriage.
Understanding that God desires happiness and relationships for His people is important. Dating is the best way to find a life partner, but Christians need to make sure that they are careful when dating, that they guard their hearts, and that they search for partners who have a close relationship with God.
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